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BOS Minutes - 7/14/03
Board of Selectmen
Senior Center
July 14, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included Jerry Houk, Ira Wood, Michael May and Helen Miranda Wilson.  Town Administrator Tim Smith and Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson also attended.

Town Clerk/Treasurer Dawn Rickman addressed the Board to request signatures on bond anticipation notes in the amount of $2,012,500 for the water system, final borrowing for the new Senior Center and the land bank purchase of the Chadchavaze property.

-    Dennis O'Connell of the Friends of the Wellfleet Libraries announced receipt of $6,400 from the July 13th book sale.

The Board met with Lisa Brown of S.P.A.T. to discuss the Oyster Festival.  Ms. Brown presented the festival schedule and preliminary plan of the layout noting plans to expand the festival to a two day event.  Discussion included the route of the road race, using the Church parking lot for vendors, pairing amateur and "professional" shuckers, last year's cost to the Town, applying for a "Cabaret" license, accessing temporary power service from the pole at the back of the Town Hall parking lot and possibly adding the festival as a rider to the Town's insurance.

The Board discussed:
a)   Requests to Use Town Property:
-    Wellfleet Firemen's Relief Association - on a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of the Wellfleet Firemen's Relief Association to use the Town Hall lawn and driveway next to Town Hall on August 16th from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the annual bake and t-shirt sale.
-    Eastern Surfing Association - on a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of the Eastern Surfing Association to use White Crest Beach on July 26th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a surfing contest; 40 cars will each pay the daily parking rate.
-    W.H.A.T. - on a motion by Wood, seconded by Donovan, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of W.H.A.T. to use one parking space next to the theater on Kendrick Ave. full time through Labor Day for a new, unplated, parked and locked car.
b)  Business Licenses - on a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the business license of "Wieners and Losers".
c)  Future Meeting Locations - the Town Administrator noted that the Library is scheduled through Labor Day.  Discussion included signage and ease of access to the Senior Center from South Wellfleet.
d)  Board of Selectmen Reappointment - on a motion by May, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to reappoint Robert L. Paine to the Marina Advisory Committee.

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e)   Board of Selectmen Appointment - there was consensus to suspend the  Board's policy and to make an immediate appointment.  On a motion by Houk, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Ben Gitlow to the full-time opening (vacated by David Wright) on the Planning Board.
f)   Recommendation from Affordable Housing Task Force (Local Housing Partnership, Town-wide Housing Survey) - Selectwoman Wilson distributed a possible charge for a Local Housing Partnership.  Chairman Donovan suggested that a housing needs survey be completed before the creation of a Local Housing Partnership.  The Assistant Town Administrator was asked to schedule a 40B training presentation for the Board of Selectmen and regulatory boards.  Wilson moved to create a Local Housing Partnership and to agree on a charge at a later date.  Donovan seconded the motion with emphasis on developing a charge to be determined at an upcoming meeting.  After discussion, Wilson withdrew the motion indicating that she wished to continue this discussion at the next Board meeting.  Donovan withdrew his second.
g)  Goals - Chairman Donovan suggested that the Board periodically review the list of goals/projects.  The Town Administrator updated the Board on the status of the reorganization of Town government and the possible need for Charter changes.

Selectman Wood presented his correspondence report:
-    Memo from Fire Chief re:  impassable road - the Town Administrator noted that the Old Wharf Road/Housing Authority issue will be discussed at the next Board meeting.  Selectwoman Wilson requested that the use of the old Senior Center be scheduled for discussion on a future agenda.
-    Arlene Kirsch requested a copy of the bacterial data sheets received from the Division of Marine Fisheries.

Open Session:
-     Ben Gitlow addressed the Board regarding notification of the Town Clerk of his appointment to the Planning Board.
-    Cindy Moe addressed the Board regarding outdoor cooking at the Marconi Beach Restaurant.   The Town Administrator will forward this matter to the Health/Conservation Agent.

Town Administrator comments:
-    Business licenses - suggested that the Board hold a public hearing to discuss fees should the Board decide to issue three year business licenses.  On a motion by Houk, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to set up a public hearing to address business license fees after Labor Day.
-    Budget meetings - it was requested that October 6th be changed to October 7th.

-    Selectman Houk suggested that the Board send a letter of appreciation to Richard Butterfield's family for his $6,000 Cape Cod Tech endowment - Selectman Houk will pursue this matter with Donna Pickard.

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-    Selectwoman Wilson suggested that a meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners be scheduled for July 29th to discuss costs for hooking up a larger well - there was consensus to schedule the meeting as part of the Board's regular meeting on July 28th.

On a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of June 23, 2003 as presented.

On a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of July 7, 2003 as amended.

On a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to release the executive session minutes dated 12/10/90, 11/12/90, 10/29/90, 10/24/90, 10/16/90, 9/17/90, 8/6/90.

Future Meetings/Agendas - Wood suggested that the Board schedule discussion of 335 Main Street.

On a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously at 9:20 p.m. on a roll call vote (Houk, Wilson, May, Wood, Donovan - yea) to enter executive session to discuss litigation and not to reconvene in open session.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Rex Peterson
                                                        Assistant Town Administrator

Dale Donovan, Chair                    Jerry Houk                                          Ira Wood

Michael May                                 Helen Miranda Wilson